New Scheduling Features in IBM Cognos 10.1

Schedule an activity to run in a certain time window

This feature allows administrators to schedule an activity to recur at certain time intervals between two times. For example, the following schedule will run a report once every week on Monday recurring once an hour between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Assuming that the start time of the report was on August 31st 2010 at 9:05 am, the schedule for that report would have entries with these timestamps:
View upcoming activities by the hour

The Upcoming Activities section now allows administrators to filter activities by the hour. For example, a scheduled report will show up in theUpcoming Activities as below:

Clicking the bar, highlights it to look like this:

If there are two activities, in that hour, the bar would change in appearance:
View the last execution time of an activity
The Upcoming Activities section now has an additional capability to show the last execution time of any activity. To check this feature out, schedule a report after five minutes and the same report after ten minutes. Once the first schedule finishes execution, check the Upcoming Activities section. The second schedule should now be visible. On the top right of that section, you should see an icon with Show Details as the tooltip.

When you click the Show Details icon, the details of the activity will be displayed. The details will include the Last Execution Response Time as seen below:

View the process ID for an activity
Reports are executed in the background by a process called BIBusTKServerMain (commonly called the BIBus). At any given time a dispatcher might be running multiple BIBus processes for interactive and background reports. It is now possible to view the ID of the process which is running a certain report.

For example, if the report Order Invoices - Donald Chow, Sales Person is scheduled, and it begins execution, it now appears under the Current Activities section. On the top right hand side, there is an icon with Show Details as a tooltip:

Clicking the Show Details icon shows the details for the activity as below:

The process ID can be seen in the details. For the report that was scheduled, the process ID is 2312. The Task Manager shows the process as below:

This feature can be very handy when certain reports are to be monitored for memory and CPU usage. 



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